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Arm Lift Surgery


Arm lift surgery is generally applied to patients who lose weight rapidly after sleeve gastrectomy surgery and whose arms have a bat-wing-like appearance after aging and slackening of skin elasticity. Many people who complain about this try to hide their arms by wearing long-sleeved outfits.

While it is possible to tighten the muscle by doing sports and exercise, it is not possible to correct this situation with sports when the skin elasticity loosens and sags.

Arm lift surgery is an operation applied to solve the problem of sagging in the upper arms. In arm lift surgery, liposuction is applied to the arms to thin the lower arm area while the excess sagging skin is removed.

Why do arms sag?

The arms start to sag as a result of the aging process, the effect of gravity, loss of skin elasticity and decrease in subcutaneous fat tissue, and rapid weight gain and loss, especially the undersides of the upper arm towards the elbow. Am I Suitable for Arm Lift Surgery?

The arms start to sag as a result of the aging process, the effect of gravity, loss of skin elasticity and decrease in subcutaneous fat tissue, and rapid weight gain and loss, especially the undersides of the upper arm towards the elbow.

Am I Suitable for Arm Lift Surgery?

People who have lost excessive amounts of weight, including bariatric surgery (tube stomach surgery) patients

Older men and women with aging skin and loss of elasticity

Patients with slack arm skin that does not improve with diet and exercise efforts.

Arm Lift Surgery Techniques

Depending on the amount of sagging skin and the desired appearance of the patient, different procedures are available

Scarless arm lift surgery (Arm Lift with Vaser Liposuction Method)

This treatment option is suitable for people with good skin elasticity, so that the skin will tighten itself after excess fat is removed. It is important to perform liposuction with vaser liposuction and plasma j technology to tighten the skin after the surgery.

Short scar Arm Lift (mini arm lift surgery): All operations are performed from the armpit area, also known as “Invisible Arm Lift”. First, the arm is slimmed with liposuction, and then the excess skin is pulled towards the armpit.

The incision is then closed in the armpit area. The scar remains completely under the armpit.

Standard Arm Lift: It is the complete removal of excess skin and fat on the arms due to excessive loss of skin elasticity.

underside of the arm, the scar is not obvious when viewed from the front and back.

Extended scar Arm lift surgery: An incision scar extends from the elbow to the upper arm along the armpit and along the lateral chest wall to the armpit where there is loose skin.

The standard arm lift is extended from the armpit and continues on the chest side wall. It is a technique applied to patients with excessive arm sagging.


During arm lift surgery, an incision is made along the underside of the arm from the armpit to the elbow. After this incision is made, liposuction can be used to remove excess fat and loose skin tissue is removed. The skin is then recovered using firming sutures.

Depending on the extent of the surgery, a drainage tube can be placed to help control bleeding and prevent fluid buildup. The operation is completed by applying a tight bandage to reduce swelling.

Recovery process after arm lift surgery

After arm lift surgery, the wounds are covered with dressing and you are discharged with a tight bandage with your arm wrapped to prevent edema buildup.

You are recommended not to raise your arms above your shoulders for at least 10 to 14 days. “Reaching higher puts a lot of pressure on the armpit area and can cause damage to the stitches.”

As your arms heal, drains are placed under the incision to prevent fluid from accumulating and are removed at discharge. Since self-dissolving stitches are used, your stitches will disappear within 4 weeks.

Bandages wrapped around your arms should be worn for 24 to 48 hours after surgery; Compression garments

(corset) are generally recommended to be worn for three days

The aforementioned restrictions can make showering a little difficult, but we generally recommend showering after 48 hours. Usually, it is difficult to wash hair during the shower, so you need someone to help you wash your hair or you can go to the hairdresser.

Most patients are usually able to return to daily activities within a few days and non-strenuous activity within a week to ten days.

If you have a desk job, you can return to your job after 1 week of rest. It is also recommended not to drive for two weeks. It takes four weeks for arm lift sutures to fully heal.

If your job involves physical exertion and heavy lifting – you should wait at least a month to fully recover. After 6 weeks you can do full exercise and sports.

We recommend the use of a corset after surgery to assist the healing process and reduce the development of edema. It is important not to put too much pressure on this area during the healing process.

When will I see the results of arm lift surgery?

You will notice that your arms have thinned immediately after arm lift surgery, but you will not see the full results as there is bruising and swelling.

From the 4th week, the edema will be reduced by 80 percent and you will clearly see serious change.

The scars in the armpit and arm area will start to fade from the 3rd month and will turn into skin color and become indistinct in the 1st year.

What are the risks and potential side effects of arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is considered a safe procedure. Common risks include swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, wound dehiscence, delayed wound healing, and fluid accumulation at the wound site.

As with most surgeries, there is the possibility of anesthesia complications, extreme pain, and temporary or permanent numbness at the incision site. However, it should be noted that these risks are very low.

Is Arm Lift surgery painful?

We apply a local anesthetic drug to the area towards the end of the operation which minimizes pain for 10 hours.

You can get through this process very easily with simple painkillers after being discharged from the hospital.

Restriction of movement after surgery will reduce the formation of edema and will ensure rapid wound healing.

Is the result of arm lift surgery permanent?

As long as there are no major weight changes in your body, your arms will continue to look taut and smooth for many years after this operation.

Is anesthesia required in arm lift surgeries?

While it is possible to perform mini arm lift aesthetics with sedation and local anesthesia, I apply the standard arm lift surgery to my patients with general anesthesia.

How long does arm lift surgery take?

Arm lift surgery takes approximately 60-90 minutes.

What is a minimal incision arm lift?

Arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) has traditionally been performed by removing excess skin along the length of the arm up to the elbow

After the incision is sutured, the remaining skin appears more taut, smooth and youthful-looking. A light VASER® LipoSelection® is performed along the upper arm before tightening the tissues to facilitate the lifting of the arm tissues and tightening the contours.

This innovative arm lift technique with minimal incision significantly reduces the fat tissue and the scar remains only in

What is Brachioplasty?

It is the Latin name of arm lift surgery. It is the process of collecting sagging skin and excess fat in the arm area.

If I gain or lose weight, will the arms sag again?

This area will not be deformed by losing or gaining a few pounds, but there is a possibility of deformation in your arm area after serious weight changes.

Which season should be preferred to have arm lift surgery?

This operation can be performed at any time. However, the scars should be covered with sunscreen during the summe

Does arm sagging improve with exercise?

Muscle tissues develop and the skin recovers slightly with exercise, but it is not a solution for excessive sagging.

Is massage recommended after arm lift surgery?

The area can be massaged from the 1st month to disperse the edema after the surgery.

Will there be any scars after Arm Lift surgeries?

A thin scar extending from the armpit to the elbow and remaining on underside of the arm is made in this surgery. While these scars have a red, elevated appearance in the early period after the surgery (in the first months), they will fade and turn pink in the following period and finally fade.

However, depending on your skin structure, there may be obvious scars, in such cases, the scar can be improved with scar creams, laser or various injections and made to match skin color.

Non-surgical arm lift (arm lift with spider web)

It is the technique I apply to patients with minimal sagging of the arm skin and very little excess skin.

Spider web threads are painlessly placed on the lower side areas of the arm. With the effect of these threads, tightening of the arm skin and collagen production are triggered. It is a technique that I use in a very limited number of patients.

Arm Lift Surgery Prices 2024

Prices vary depending on liposuction, short or long arm lifting.

Get an appointment and find out about arm lift surgery fees by calling our center at 0552 584 8410 and 0216 747 95 00 and our WhatsApp line.

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